The smell of coffee beans, paired with the muffled whirling of the blenders and the hissing sounds of the steamers surrounded me. I could see the woman next to me shifting around as her conversation about some guy penetrated my Bose headphones. I turned my ambient music up as I continued, to what seemed like aimless dragging and clicking on my Mac. I was making this webpage and all that I had taken my precious time to format, adjust, color, and write down was somehow deleted. I wanted to cast the blame on the website. Possibly the WIFI there at the starbies. Or could it have just been a user error? I’d never done this before. That Graphic design cert only took me so far. So I took a deep breath, stared at the woman who walked in with her shivering chihuahua in hand, considered if the dog in the starbies was sanitary or not, took a sip of my Carmel Apple Spice, and began again.
Actually, by the time I saw the dog, the website had been deleted at least three times. I was definitely on draft four. If I wasn’t the introvert I am, and in that public space, I’d have screamed. Hollered multiple times. However, I pressed on and it allowed for this short story that I share with you now. It allowed me to tell you about the journey I have been on to create this website. To figure out the best way for me to showcase my ideas and creations. To be able to share short stories that will range from 2nd person POV to collapsed worlds, some shooting and stabbing, to erotica. There will be so much more than my struggles to create a web page. I want to share the imagination that is created from the inspiration I find all around me and with the flowing gift from God, create stories for all to read.
My name is Chavez, but I go by Chevie.
When I’m not staring at the trees and clouds or yelling “groundhog" when I see a rogue gopher near an underpass, I’m taking notes and writing down different scenarios to expound upon in the notes app on my iPhone. I’m a college graduate with a BA in English, a MA in Public Relations, and a Cert in graphic design, but a passion and love for writing and creating.
I think back to the first time I can remember writing, and it was in elementary school about a bunny. And this wasn't some booklet that we slapped together, hole punched, and bow tied with string. Not at all. These were hardback books. High-quality, all-white canvas’ for our creating. We spent months on this project. (I was a child and I’m not sure of the time. Could have just been 2 weeks) We weren’t just the authors, we were the illustrators. Not only did it allow me the opportunity to create a sickening plot line for the bunny, but as I wrote those words, to the best of my ability, I took those Crayola crayons, markers, and colored pencils and captured the bunny in its human-like world. But not before we made rough draft books because once you messed up in the hardback book, there was no going back. I took that assignment so seriously, you could not have told me it wasn’t a bestseller. Where that book is now, the world may never know. I also can’t recall the journey the bunny went on, but considering how my imagination is right now, I’m sure that bunny had some type of intense adventure.
I thank you for tuning into this blog site. I have grand aspirations and numerous creations to share. Bear with me on the frequency, because it may fluctuate, but my desire and commitment to creating will never waiver.